Editorial Workflow

Every submitted manuscript undergoes a thorough single-blind peer-review as follows:

Once a manuscript is submitted, it is screened by the editorial office to ensure that it is prepared according to the journal guidelines. The editorial office will be in contact with the authors during the initial screening process to ensure the manuscript is suitable to start its review process.

Then, the manuscript is sent to the Editor-in-Chief to ensure that it fits the scope of the journal and is eligible to be considered for publication. After that, the manuscript is assigned to an Associate Editor who checks the manuscript's quality and novelty to decide whether or not it can be sent to peer reviewers. The Associate Editor is authorized to reject the manuscript without further processing. If the Associate Editor finds the manuscript suitable to go through the review process, then he/she sends it to peer reviewers.

The peer reviewers (minimum two reviewers) will send their reports to the Associate Editor, who will in turn make one of the following editorial recommendations:

- Reject
- Major Changes Required
- Minor Changes Required
- Accept

The authors are notified of the Editor's decision along with the reviewers' reports. If the manuscript requires revision, whether major or minor, the authors will be given a deadline for submitting the revised version. Normally, four weeks are given for major revisions and two weeks for minor revisions.

After receiving the revised version from the authors, the manuscript is sent again to the reviewers to ensure that their comments are addressed and to obtain their final recommendation. Then, the Associate Editor makes the final decision based on the reviewers' final assessment.

The review process is a single-blind peer-review where reviewers know the authors' names and affiliations, but authors don't know those of the reviewers.

Once the Associate Editor accepts the manuscript, it will be processed and published by the production team within two weeks. Before publication, the galleys are sent to the authors for final approval.