Advertising & Revenue

The journal's advertising policy is straightforward: we do not publish any advertisements. Our focus is solely on providing high-quality, unbiased content to our readers. We believe that separating advertisements from published content is crucial to maintain the integrity and objectivity of our journal.

In terms of revenue sources, we currently do not generate any income. However, to sustain and improve our publishing process, we have decided to introduce article processing charges (APCs) starting from June 2024. These charges will be paid by the authors and it will be clearly stated on our website, and they will not influence our editorial decision-making process.

We want to ensure transparency, so we will clearly communicate the APCs and their purpose to our authors and readers. It is important to note that these charges are unrelated to editorial decisions, and they will be used solely to support the journal's operations and enhance the quality of published articles.

We are committed to providing an unbiased platform for scholarly communication and will continue to maintain the highest standards of integrity and transparency.