What is Welfare? A Qualitative Study into Perceptions of Equine Welfare of the Dutch Equestrian Community


  • Inga A. Wolframm Applied Research Centre, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, 6882 CT Velp, the Netherlands
  • Frances A. Le Belle Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • Yteke Elte Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands


Horses, social license to operate, equine husbandry, human-horse interaction, equitation, Netherlands


Equine welfare is an increasingly important topic in the Netherlands and abroad. While existing literature broadly captures equine welfare concerns, research focused on Dutch horse enthusiasts is sparse. This study aims to identify what aspects horse enthusiasts in the Netherlands consider essential to safeguard equine welfare. An online survey comprising four binary yes-no questions, and 12 open questions was disseminated via social media. Survey data were analyzed qualitatively using inductive thematic analysis. The survey received 875 complete responses. Thematic analysis led to the identification of three higher-order themes: Equine Husbandry, Human-Horse Interaction, and Equitation. Aspects relating to Equine Husbandry were mentioned most, suggesting that Dutch equine enthusiasts consider aspects relating to housing and management more important to overall equine welfare. Within this theme, lower-order themes such as the ability to perform natural behavior and feeding were most prominent. On the theme of Human-Horse Interaction, respondents highlighted the importance of understanding horse behavior and human-horse communication to ensure their welfare, as well as ethical considerations for treating horses as sentient beings deserving respect. On the theme of Equitation, various aspects of training the rider and the horse were highlighted, including a sound knowledge of tack and equipment. Respondents emphasized the importance of qualified instruction on horse care and welfare. Despite evident awareness of a wide variety of welfare aspects among equestrians, considerable discrepancy between knowledge and practice persists, pointing to the need for tailored education and training to facilitate better application of welfare principles.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Wolframm, I. A., Le Belle, F. A., & Elte, Y. (2024). What is Welfare? A Qualitative Study into Perceptions of Equine Welfare of the Dutch Equestrian Community. International Journal of Equine Science, 3(1), 37–50. https://rasayely-journals.com/index.php/ijes/article/view/112

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