Competition Anxiety in Equestrians Across Different Disciplines and Performance Levels

Competition Anxiety in Equestrians


  • Kathrin Schütz Hochschule Fresenius–University of Applied Sciences, Psychology School, Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Jacqueline Rott Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Faculty of Psychology & Sports Science, Germany
  • Dirk Koester BSP Business and Law School, Faculty of Sport Sciences and Personality, Berlin, Germany


Stress, equestrian sports, concentration (decrease), concern, somatic anxiety, coping


Competition anxiety among equestrians has been examined very little so far. Therefore, this study investigated the extent and distribution of competition anxiety in female and male equestrians. Furthermore, it was examined whether there are specific differences among equestrians in different disciplines (dressage, show jumping, western, recreational, and eventing) and performance levels. The sample (N = 406) consisted of female (n = 385) and male (n = 21) German competition riders (meanage = 34.84). Competition anxiety (somatic anxiety, concern, concentration (decrease)) was measured with the Competition Anxiety Inventory Trait (German: Wettkampf-Angst-Inventar/WAI-T). The data analysis was based on t-tests, analyses of variance (ANOVAs) including post-hoc tests and correlation analyses. The results reveal that equestrians in higher-level performance classes (2, 3, and 4) had lower perceptions of somatic anxiety (meanclass 2 = 8.70; mean class 3 = 9.13; meanclass 4 = 9.79) than respondents in lower-level classes (meanclass 6 = 11.76, p < .001). There were differences among the disciplines in concern (p < .01) and concentration (decrease); (p < .001). Dressage riders showed higher concern scores (mean = 10.67) than western riders (mean = 7.90). Furthermore, dressage riders scored higher on concentration (decrease) (mean = 7.57) compared to show jumping (mean = 6.69) and eventing (mean = 5.76). Equestrians competing in show jumping (mean = 6.69) had significantly lower concentration (decrease) scores than in recreational riding (mean = 8.22). Female riders (mean = 1.71) rated worrying thoughts as more performance-inhibiting compared to male respondents (mean = 2.19, p < .01). Dressage riders (mean = 1.74) reported feeling more physical arousal before competitions than show jumpers (mean = 1.71). These results underline the importance of considering competition anxiety to adapt training for riders, minimize risks of injuries in equestrian sports, and improve performance. Results may also be of interest for selecting advice and coaching processes.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Schütz, K., Rott, J., & Koester, D. (2023). Competition Anxiety in Equestrians Across Different Disciplines and Performance Levels: Competition Anxiety in Equestrians. International Journal of Equine Science, 2(1), 24–33.

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