A Preliminary Study on Amateur French Show Jumper and Dressage Riders: Can Riders Accurately Recall the Duration and Content of Their Warm-Up Routines?
Warm-up, showjumping, dressage, competition, equestrian sportAbstract
Effective warm-up (WU) prior to exercise can increase performance and decrease injury risk. Little is known about how riders design and implement WU routines in training and competition. A two-phase study aimed to understand show-jumper and dressage rider decision-making when selecting WU routines during flatwork sessions at home. An initial survey identified the rider's perception of warm-up use and decision-making. Then, ten riders competing at intermediate levels in dressage (DR) (n = 7: 39 warm-ups) and show-jumping (SJ) (n = 3: 22 warm-ups) videoed their horses' WU; duration, gaits, transitions, and specific movements were recorded by a single observer. A post-warm-up form was completed by riders (DR: 4; SJ: 2; total WU = 44) to assess riders' memory and perception of their warm-up and gain information on external temperature, and horse/rider age. Rider WU profiles were formulated and differences were assessed through a series of Friedmans and Kruskal-Wallis analyses. Riders warmed up for a total of 24 mins ± 7.1 mins (DR: 22 mins 3 secs ± 6 mins; SJ 27 mins, 29 secs ± 8 mins). Riders spent the most time in walk (DR: 48.3%; SJ: 56.4%). Riders (88%), who recorded > 3 WUs, WU sessions significantly differed over time (p < 0.03). Out of the 44 WU analyzed, riders accurately recalled 13.6% of the routines. No significant differences in total WU duration or total time spent warming up in walk were found between temperatures < 5°C and > 30°C even though riders said they adapted their warm-up to the weather during stage 1 of this study. Warm-ups at home seem to be rider and horse-dependent but are not discipline or climate-specific when preparing for a flatwork session at home.
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