Donkeys in Brazil: Bibliometric Mapping and Breed Information

Bibliographic Mapping for Brazilian Donkeys


  • Felipe Pimentel CEUB, 707/907, Campus Universitário, Asa Norte, DF, Brasília, 70790-075, Brazil
  • Samuel Paiva Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, Final W5 Norte, DF, Brasilia, 70770-917, Brazil
  • Laila T. Dias Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, 1540, Brazil
  • Daniel Pimentel Universidade de Brasília, DF, Brasília, 70910-900, Brazil
  • Concepta McManus Universidade de Brasília, DF, Brasília, 70910-900, Brazil


Citation analysis, Equus mulus, local breed, Northeastern, Paulista, Pêga


In this paper, we looked at the distribution of donkeys (Equus asinus) in Brazil as well as the research being carried out with them. We used bibliographic mapping techniques to identify major themes, timelines, and research groups working with these animals. Donkeys are essential for producing mules (Equus mulus), and, especially in the Northeast region, they are vital in cattle production in Brazil. Nevertheless, there is little research being carried out, which may affect their survival in the long term, thereby impacting agricultural systems. Most research is on health and reproduction issues, and little is seen in production aspects related to genetics and nutrition. The body indices for Brazilian donkeys show that they vary from medium (Paulista) to small (Northeastern and Pêga) animals with an aptitude for strength (Body Index >0.90). The Northeastern and Pêga tend to have poorer thoracic development, but all show good traction capabilities (Dactyl Thoracic Index, Conformation Index). Northeastern donkeys are smaller animals and have lower load-carrying capabilities. This paper shows various areas where research in donkeys could be expanded.

Author Biography

  • Felipe Pimentel, CEUB, 707/907, Campus Universitário, Asa Norte, DF, Brasília, 70790-075, Brazil

    Undergraduate Student in Veterinary Medicine.


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How to Cite

Pimentel, F., Paiva, S., Dias, L. T., Pimentel, D., & McManus, C. (2023). Donkeys in Brazil: Bibliometric Mapping and Breed Information: Bibliographic Mapping for Brazilian Donkeys. International Journal of Equine Science, 2(1), 34–46.

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