The Meaning of the Place – A Socio-Spatial Analysis of Equine Yards


  • Inga Wolframm Applied Research Centre, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Velp, 6880 GB, Netherlands
  • Tyara Scheer Applied Research Centre, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Velp, 6880 GB, Netherlands
  • Luisa Linnenberg Applied Research Centre, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Velp, 6880 GB, Netherlands
  • Sharon Rechterschot Applied Research Centre, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Velp, 6880 GB, Netherlands


Socio-spatial analysis, biodiversity, equine welfare, financial sustainability, agroecological transition


Climate change and biodiversity loss are interconnected global challenges that require urgent and transformative changes in land use and management. Equine yards have a unique potential to contribute positively to biodiversity while supporting equine welfare and providing economic and social value. This study explores the perspectives of equine yard owners in Germany and the Netherlands regarding the socio-spatial aspects they consider important when designing and managing equine yards that balance biodiversity, equine welfare, and operational needs. The research employed a qualitative socio-spatial analysis framework, drawing on semi-structured interviews with 17 equine yard owners. The findings reveal that a wide range of socio-spatial aspects—including land use, social infrastructure, accessibility, and the integration of biodiversity—play significant roles in yard design and management. Cultural differences were also observed, with German yards generally emphasizing safety and seclusion, while Dutch yards focused on controlled access and integration into the local community. The study highlights the challenges of balancing equine welfare, biodiversity, and community needs, particularly in relation to land availability, accessibility, and cultural contexts. Despite the focus on a limited number of yards in Germany and the Netherlands, the findings provide valuable insights into the socio-spatial factors that shape equine yard management. A set of preliminary guidelines for yard design is proposed, emphasizing the integration of equine welfare, biodiversity, community engagement, and sustainable business practices to enhance the contribution of equine yards to the agroecological transition.


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How to Cite

Wolframm, I., Scheer, T., Linnenberg, L., & Rechterschot, S. (2025). The Meaning of the Place – A Socio-Spatial Analysis of Equine Yards. International Journal of Equine Science, 4(1), 30–51.

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